
  • Course 1: “The Geometry of Fractal Sets from the Perspective of Fourier Analysis and Projection Theory”, Krystal TAYLOR (Ohio State University, USA)
  • Course 2: “Applications of Spectral Graph Theory to problems in Combinatorics and Number Theory”, Jonathan PAKIANATHAN (University of Rochester, USA)
  • Course 3: “Lozenge tilings via algebraic combinatorics”, Greta PANOVA (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Course 4: “Determinantal point processes”, Alexander BUFETOV (Aix Marseille, France)
  • Course 5: “Geometric Configurations and Sets of Positive Upper Density”, Neil LYALL (University of Georgia, USA)
  • Course 6: “An interplay between Fuglede Conjecture, tiling and Gabor analysis”, Azita MAYELI (City University of New York, USA)
  • Course 7: “Finite point configuration and discrete Painlevé Equations”, Anton Dzhamay (University of Northern Colorado)